How to Inflate Foil Balloons

How to Inflate Foil Balloons ( Step to Step Complete Guide)

Have you bought the Happy Birthday Foil Balloons or Anniversary Foil balloons online or from party store but confused How to Inflate Foil balloons?

No need to worry as we have shared the simple steps to inflate your balloons using straw, pump or normal air.

How to Inflate Foil Balloons

Time needed: 2 minutes

A complete step to step guide to inflate foil balloons with straw, pump or natural air.

  1. Find the Hole in Foil Balloons

    In the first Step, you have to find a hole at the end of the foil balloon.Find the Hole in Foil Balloons

  2. Inflate using Straw

    This is the easiest way to inflate foil balloons.

    In the Foil Balloons, you also get a straw, To inflate the foil balloons, you just have to put the straw inside the foil balloon by using natural air. You have to fill the air with the help of your

    mouth inside the balloons
    .Inflate using Straw

  3. Inflate using Pump

    This is second way to inflate the foil balloons using pump.
    In this step you also need a straw, To inflate you just have to put the straw in the hole of foil balloon and put the air inside by using pump as shown in the below picture.

    Inflate using Pump

  4. Remove the Straw

    When the Foil Balloon completely filled with air, you have to remove the straw out from the foil balloon.

  5. Press at the End of Hole

    When you remove out the straw from foil balloon, so you to press at the end of foil balloon hole immediately through which the foil balloon will be sealed and air will not come out from the foil balloons.

    Press at the End of Hole

Video of process to Inflate Foil Balloon

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